Plans for 2009?

What are your technological plans for 2009? Got any interesting personal projects that you’ve planning on undertaking? Any new technologies you want to learn?

Personally, I’m going to make a concerted effort to get a better handle on web applications. I’ve been focusing so much on server side application code (interfaced from RPG, not the web) and thick client (WDSC / RDi integration with MKS Implementer), I’ve been neglecting the most popular technological niche.

I’m also going to try and focus a bit more on PHP … see if I can enhance the list archives to provide some more user features.

And, finally, I’m going to be investigating getting an “i” for … see if I can run parts of on the best damn server in the world.

What’s on your plate?

1 Reply to “Plans for 2009?”

  1. I am starting down the PHP path this year. My first step is the PHP Foundations for i5 course offered by Zend. From there, I will continue to build my knowledge and probably get my certification.

    Also, I plan to expand with some new functionalities.

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