Found and Lost

Looks like IBM had a but of a flub on the ‘Redpaper‘ site … a redpaper showed up on my RSS feed with the title ‘i5/OS Program Conversion: Getting ready for i5/OS V6R1’. The abstract was quite interesting …

Abstract: IBM® plans to deliver i5/OS® V6R1 in 2008. With this new release, IBM will require conversion of all programs created underprevious releases that use the i5/OS Machine Interface (MI). This conversion upgrades and refreshes programs to take advantage of the latest system enhancements, including enhanced system integrity, improved performance, and a range of new operating system and processor capabilities. In order for a program to be converted, its creation data (sometimes referred to as observability) must be available. Programs created for V5R1 or later have their creation data automatically saved during program creation. Clients and ISVs with programs created for OS/400® V4R5 and earlier need to ensure that the creation data is available for the conversion process.

Sadly, the redpaper is no longer available. I suspect it was prematurely released.

Needless to say, the information contained in the redpaper was pretty darn interesting … especially for those ISV’s that support multiple releases at once.

[tags]ibm, redpaper, redpiece, System i, iseries, i5/os[/tags]

1 Reply to “Found and Lost”

  1. David,

    what is even more interesting is a Redpaper Residency that has just been announced: Using VMotion on the iSeries. In other words, shifting live applications between servers, while the applications are running. IT Jungle had reported this was planned for V6R1, and now it looks as though IBM is getting in VMware to help pull it off.

    Residency “Running VMware ESX Server on IBM System i, IS-7727-R01”:



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