Opensource RPG shipped with IBM i – now’s our chance!

There are a good handful of IBM’ers that take the time to be friends with me despite my sometimes harsh criticisms of their products 🙂 Such is the case as of late while I was attending an IBM ISV Advisory Council meeting and got flustered over a modified feature being implemented in Java when it could have been implemented in RPG and subsequently much more palatable by RPG programmers. IBM’ers Rob Bestgen and Tim Rowe decided to engage me in conversation about my concerns and through that we have some potentially interesting developments!

I wrote an entire article about the topic which can be found here

Please note that at the end of the article I ask some questions of the community and point you to the formal IBM RPG Cafe as a location where you can respond. Make sure to respond!!

Thanks Rob and Tim for going the extra mile on this one!

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