Perhaps I spoke too soon?

At work I’ve been splitting my time between two projects … one project is IBM i based using RPG … the other is Windows/*nix based using Java.

One of my gripes about the other project is that that some of the error messages we get are difficult to figure out because we don’t get enough information.  The errors tend to be quite general without any specifics as to what caused it.

Errors on IBM i are never like that … there’s tons of details as to what caused the error, including what program … details as to the cause, reason codes, etc.

So today I’m looking at a joblog, related to a customers problem, and see the cause of the issue … a CPFA0A2 error.

Message ID . . . . . . . . . :   CPFA0A2
Message file . . . . . . . . :   QCPFMSG
  Library  . . . . . . . . . :     QSYS                                      

Message . . . . :   Information passed to this operation was not valid.
Cause . . . . . :   Possible causes:
    --The operation could not use the data passed to it.
    --A name may not be correct.
    --Directory was expected, but a file was specified.
    --File was expected, but a directory was specified.
    --The function requested is not supported by the file system.
Recovery  . . . :   Check the input data to determine the cause of the
  problem.  Correct the error, and retry the operation.

Hmmm … a general error without any specifics as to what caused it.


1 Reply to “Perhaps I spoke too soon?”

  1. True enough. The difference between error messages on *nix and AS400 is like the difference between a twitter message and wikipedia.

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