Reality Check: Workstation Backups?

As IT professionals, we are (or should be) quite obsessed with backups. The question is … does our obsession go far enough? Yes, I’m sure our IBM i systems are all backed up quite securely … with tapes being rotated and taken off site. Probably even a solid HA solution to mirror your operational environment…

Mail delivery problems with Yahoo

For quite a while now Yahoo has been temporarily rejecting connections from my mail servers ‘due to user complaints’. I joined their Abuse Feedback Loop program so I would be informed of these user complaints. Unfortunately, the feedback loop isn’t working that well … as my server’s connections are still being deferred, but I’m not…

The How and The Why

As technologists … we are often called upon to figure out HOW things work in a system.

The question I would pose is: Is understanding HOW things work sufficient?

My answer: No, you must also know WHY things work as well.

IBM i Videos on YouTube

There are a few IBM i related videos that were created by IBM (during COMMON in Reno) starring various community luminaries.

Business Cards

OK, time for a minor gripe.

I just got back from the COMMON conference in Reno and, as usual, I collected a fair number of business cards of the people I met.

Problem is: Some of the business cards are absolutely useless.

COMMON 2009 Pictures

I’ve uploaded a number of pictures from COMMON 2009 to Flickr. The URL is If you’ve got any, feel free to contribute.

COMMON 2009 Review

Well, I just got home from COMMON 2009 in Reno Nevada. This was a pretty significant conference … and for many reasons.


We temporarily interrupt this blog for a little levity & humor. Some IBM CE’s are called out to a advanced science research lab to fix a problem with a system. They are directed to the “Anti-Gravity Research” department. They enter the computer room to find the machine they are supposed to fix floating in the…

Are you educating yourself?

Are you going to COMMON? If not, why not? OK, yeah, COMMON is kind of pricey. Add air fare, hotel, & food to the conference fee and you’re talking real money (not quite $100M though <grin/>). Next question: Do you attend your local user group meetings? What about their technical conferences? Word of advice: If…

Document Decision

As developers, it’s been drilled into our heads that we must provide documentation for our programs … both inside the code, as comments, and for end user’s use. One thing I’ve noticed that we tend to neglect, however, is to document the DECISIONS we make. Why did we select one implementation over another.