Have you ever had a problem that has you absolutely stumped … and you ask a co-worker for assistance or post a message to an online forum (like a midrange.com mailing list) for assistance. Then, quite soon after you ask for assistance, you finally discover the answer yourself? This is called the ‘Cardboard Analyst’ phenomenon…
Yeah, I know … this blog isn’t getting the activity it probably should. Problem is, I’m a technician … not a writer. However … it might be worthwhile to take note of some of the recent improvements to midrange.com … DSL speed has been upgraded from 768 to 1100. If you land on a page…
Anti-Virus for iSeries IFS
Martin Rowe has written a well put together HOWTO on implementing the open soure anti-virus scanner ClamAV on the iSeries. It can be found at http://dbg400.net/cgi-bin/twiki/view/DBG400/ClamAVoniSeries. [tags]antivirus, iseries[/tags]
Info Center
Have you seen the IBM iSeries Info Center lately? The old info center’s navigation panel was a Java applet that was problematical at best. More often than not I could not get it to work properly in one browser or the other. IBM has recently revamped the navigation panel for the info center … changing…
Midrange.com goes to Court
I went to witness the April 21 hearing in the SCO vs. IBM case. It was a fascinating and enlightening experience. I had never been to court before and it was much different than I had imagined. First let me tell you a bit about me and why I went to see the case. My…
Upgrade Rule 1: BACKUP!
I’d like to take a moment and remind everyone of the first rule of software upgrades … no mater how confident you are of your upgrade procedure, it is absolutely critical that you … BACKUP YOUR DATA! I’m currently dealing with a situation where someone did not do a backup before performing a upgrade, and…
Just a few quick items from the Spring 05 COMMON conference in Chicago … Scott Klement received an iSeries Innovation award from IBM & COMMON Ask the Experts night at Sundays CUDS was quite a success … a lot of list members stopped by the MIDRANGE-L table to chat. A number of list members who…
Chicago COMMON — First Impressions
Just a quick report from the Chicago COMMON conference … and some first impressions. The expo seems bigger than before, but kind of spread out in an awkward pattern. Attendence seems to be up a bit. Although I haven’t seen any figures. I’ve run into a few people wearing the old (black) MIDRANGE-L buttons ……
COMMON & Ask The Experts
If you’re attending the Spring 2005 COMMON conference in Chicago, don’t forget to stop by the MIDRANGE-L table at CUDS on Ask the Experts night. Put some faces to the email addresses. 🙂 Ask The Experts night will be … SUNDAY, March 13, 2005 from 8-10pm, Crystal Ballroom B, Green Level-West Tower Yours truly will…
Team Support in WDSc
I finally figured out the major points for working with teams in WDSc. It uses a combination of CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) and WDSc. I will go over the major points in getting this setup and working. I am learning as I go and may update this article as I gain more knowledge in how…