The Green Screen Sucks, And Other Heresy

For years we have been hearing of its demise, even IBM tried to drive a stake through it’s heart with the much fangled Java? but ye old 5250 emulation, also known as green screen, and the programs written to run on it just won’t die. After eleven years as an administrator, programmer and manager using…

RPG Open Access: Free Trial

Well … it’s getting closer at least. According to Jon Paris & Susan Gantner’s blog iDevelop, you can now get the standard 70 day trial for RPG Open Access. Details can be found on the IBM Announcement letter. I still think the feature needs to be included in the OS … but at least you…

Blogs for LUG’s

I’m pleased to announce a new free service for IBM i Local User Groups: Blog hosting. Oh yeah, you say, big deal … there are lots of free blog hosting services. What makes your so special? Well, how many IBM i oriented LUGs hosted in the ‘’ domain? The blogs will be hosted in a…

Understand the problem

I’m kind of annoyed with myself right now. I spent the past two days trying to come up with a solution … when I didn’t really understand the problem I was trying to solve. Now that I understand the problem … I realize that the solution I was creating (which was deceptively simple) was completely…

Quick Tip: Using Apache Commons Net with IBM i

Something I recently ran into … I use the Apache Commons Net library in some of my java code. I ran into a problem where, when trying to upload a save file to the host via FTP, I encountered an IOException with the message “501 Unknown extension in database file name”.

CEF Scholarships

Today’s post comes from guest author Randy Dufault … Randy is a former president of COMMON and is currently leading the COMMON certification team and member of the COMMON Education Foundation Board. I went to college in a completely different era (read: I’m an old guy). I attended a state school as a resident and…

Maxava’s iFoundation: Helping the “i” Win

I appreciate David inviting me to discuss Maxava’s launch of iFoundation. As David mentioned in his blog post, there is certainly a component of “enlightened self-interest.”  We hope however that it is enlightened self-interest for all of us that make our livings in the IBM i community. As you may know, Maxava is exclusively focused on the…

COMMON 2011 Day 1 From a First-Timer

I have been in the community since around 2001. In those 10 years, I have been helped by many in that community countless times. Today, I got to see several of those people and I am sure by the end of the week, I will meet many more. Today was a whirlwind of events…

Nothing has changed …

Today I was reminded of one of my favorite catch phrases … If nothing has changed, and something doesn’t work the same as it did before, than something has changed. This happens very often when I’m assisting support with a problem … the customer will claim that nothing has changed, but the application doesn’t work…


Screw ups, flubs, accidents … everyone’s done them. Everyone will do them. They are inevitable.  We’re just human. So what’s your favorite flub?